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Day Care Fees

Day Care Fees

At The Children's Garden Inc. we accept children from 18 months to 12 years.

In your child's first month of attendance, regardless of age, you will be charged a one-time $25.00 registration fee as well as a refundable $20.00 deposit for a swipe key. This enables entrance to the building. This deposit will be refunded upon return of the key.

Childcare subsidy accepted!

Payment is always due on the 1st of the month. You will be provided a series of forms to fill out once you have agreed to bring your child here, one of which is a Preauthorized Funds Transfer form. Filling out this form and providing a void cheque authorizes The Children's Garden to withdrawal the fees from your account on the 1st of every month. If the 1st is a holiday or a weekend, the funds will be withdrawn on the first business day thereafter. You will be sent an email notification two weeks prior to the date of withdrawal which will outline the amount to be withdrawn.

For Toddlers and Preschoolers, we accept children on a full-time basis (5 days a week) and a part-time basis (2-4 days a week).

The fees are as follows:

For a full-time childcare space (toddler/preschool), there is a flat monthly rate of $894.00.

For a part-time childcare space (toddler/preschool), there is a flat daily rate of $46.50.

*New* in Sept. 2021: For School Age children at Westmount, Oxford, or Sir Charles Tupper:

For Before and Afterschool, as well as the one PD Day per month, the monthly rate is $570.00. This includes transportation back and forth to the school.

For before school only, the charge is $260.00/month, and for after school only the charge is $370.00/month (PD days will cost an additional $12.00).

The charge for full days (PD, storm, March Break etc.) is $35.00/day, which includes a home-cooked lunch and two snacks.

For School Age children at Burton Ettinger:

For Before School, Lunch, Afterschool and PD Days, the monthly rate is $558.00. Lunch is provided.

For a combination of any two parts of the day (for example, lunch and afterschool) as well as PD Days, the monthly rate is $510.00. Lunch is provided if your child is enrolled for lunch.

If your child is signed up for two or three parts of the day (Burton Ettinger), additional full days that ARE NOT PD Days (such as storm days, Christmas Break, March Break, a Strike) will cost you an additional $12.00/day above and beyond your regular monthly fee. For example, in the month of March, you would pay an additional $60.00 for care the week of March Break, which would include two snacks and a lunch.

For care for only one part of the day (before or afterschool) the monthly rate is $338.00.

The charge for full days (PD, storm, March Break etc.) is $35.00/day, which includes a home-cooked lunch and two snacks.

For School Age children at Duc d’Anville and Fairview Heights:

For Before and Afterschool, as well as the one PD Day per month, the monthly rate is $570.00. This includes transportation back and forth to the school.

For before school only, the charge is $260.00/month, and for after school only the charge is $370.00/month (PD days will cost an additional $12.00).

The charge for full days (PD, storm, March Break etc.) is $35.00/day, which includes a home-cooked lunch and two snacks.